Who We Are

Our Values


Pursue Growth and Learning.


Seed and Foster Experimentation.


Embrace and Drive Change.


Be A Mentor. Guide and Lead By Example.


Strive Towards Solutions for the Greater Good.


Be Passionate, Determined, and Humble.


Be Flexible, Patient and Fluid Like Water.


Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity


Practice Random Acts of Kindness.


Propel the Team Forward. Champion Progress As A Team.

The Lab

What is META+Lab?

META Lab is an extension of the academic program that functions as a collaborative startup. Our approach, led by individuals with expertises and those who wish to learn (faculty, staff and students), pushes the tech/entrepreneurial envelope in terms of visual interface design, user experience and application development.


Our vision is to redefine collaborative learning by inspiring & mentoring students in a space of unrestricted growth. We believe students should have the freedom to engage in experimental projects that will propel their forward progress as creative & critical thinkers. Fail Good. Fail Fast.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students who are part of META+Lab should demonstrate:


The ability to apply principles of conceptual development, user experience design, user interface design and software development to produce web-based applications.


Development of critical thinking skills that allow them to collaborate and thrive in an interdisciplinary team-oriented work environment.


An awareness and ability to effectively communicate and produce projects through agile development methodology.


A working knowledge of current design software and relevant programming languages.


Development of a career path for a profession in a related field, as well as an understanding of the demands and expectations to achieve this.


The students at META+Lab are the driving force behind our products. Upon joining, students go through a 3 stage process. The goal of this process is to provide our students an opporunity to discover what they are interested in then dive right into creating.


The first stage for students is known as the “explorer”. This is where you begin to familiarize yourself with our process and tools. This is your chance to see whether or not this is the place for you.


The second stage for students is known as the “creator”. This is where you begin to get really involved in our day to day operations. You will dive into projects and collaborate with your team.


The third stage is known as the "catalyst". This position was created for students who are about to graduate or have graduated and want to continue working and learning at the META+Lab.